Tag - Underworld

Underworld Lycan Costume Mannequin

Custom mannequin display for an original foam latex Underworld Lycan costume from the Rise of the Lycans film. This Underworld Lycan costume was brought to us by one of our clients. The Lycans are one of the breed of Werewolves featured in the Underw...

Underworld Selene Costume Kate Beckinsale Mannequin

Custom mannequin and themed display of a screen used Kate Beckinsale Underworld Selene costume. We were brought this Underworld Selene costume by one of our clients who was looking for a custom mannequin and themed base to display their iconic movie...

Lycan Underworld Movie Costume Custom Display

Custom mannequin created to display a foam latex Lycan Underworld movie costume. One of our clients had this Lycan Underworld movie costume from Underworld 3, Rise of the Lycans. Werewolf costumes are always challenging to display, and this foam lat...